Windows 8 Screen Shot

Yes, here we go again. No sooner have we all become comfortable with Windows 7 and Microsoft is gettingready to release the next version of Windows, Windows 8.

The good news is that this newest version will require the same hardware specifications as Windows 7, so that shiny new computer you may have just purchased will not suddenly be obsolete when Windows 8 comes to market.

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While that has been welcome news to many, the other good news is that software and, more importantly, things like printer drivers and other similar software required to run all the devices that you connect to your PC will also work with Windows 8 out of the box. This too, will be welcome news to many. Since the introduction of the first mainstream version of Windows, Windows 95 in 1995, some of the new versions of Windows have raised havoc with software, printers and more. Microsoft has clearly learned from these mistakes and Windows 8 will not repeat them.

It's interesting looking back, that there have been seven versions of Windows over the past 17 years. Over that time, we have seen Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. That's a new version of Windows approximately every two and half years.

That's a lot of change in a short amount of time. And we are on the cusp of some significant new changes, in part driven by the success of smartphones and tablets, namely Apple's iPhone and iPad.

Windows 8, while largely based on the stability and success of Windows 7, will have a distinctly new look and feel. This new look and feel screams touch, as in touchscreen. Yes, Microsoft is recognizing that touch is the new mouse. While the traditional computer will still run Windows with a keyboard and mouse, the interface will still look touch oriented. It's oriented to swiping motions across the screen, what you are accustomed to with a smartphone and tablet.

Microsoft has clearly invested in an operating system that will unify the experience across all three platforms, PC, smartphone and tablet. We have already seen this evolution in the nascent Windows Phone 7 and it will only accelerate from there.

I spent some time at Microsoft's New England office this week and saw the new operating system demonstrated firsthand. It runs well on mainstream hardware and definitely benefits from a touch-screen capable computer.

What will be most notable is that the start button is gone in Windows 8, replaced by a start screen that is presented as multi-color tiles across the screen, with additional screens to the side that you can pull into focus just like you do on a smartphone and tablet. Are you sensing a theme here? Even the way you interact with a wireless network will resemble the way you do on a smartphone or tablet as compared to how you do it on a computer today.

It's a true evolution in how we interact with our PCs and it should herald increased productivity in that our user experience across any device we use will be more familiar and easier to interact with. These are good things.

However, the transition to Windows 8 will not be without its pitfalls. This is a major design evolution that will likely intimidate many computer users, just due to the obvious visual changes. As with any significant new software release, you probably don't want to jump right in. Let others learn the lessons of the early adopters.

It's important to know what the future holds, but most businesses do not have a compelling justification to be the first to upgrade as soon as something new becomes available.

See how the market adjusts to the new version of Windows and then work with your IT staff or partner to come up with a sensible plan to test out and implement the new version at the right time for your business.

There is no question the new version of Windows will be an important development in the world of business and technology.

The new version is slated to be available in October of this year.

A "consumer preview" is available now for those who like to download and play with the latest versions of software before they are released in final form. If you're that type of person, it's a great time to check it out.

Otherwise, it's good to be aware of what's coming and start the conversations about when you will begin to introduce the newest version to your computer users.

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